MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow
MOTOPOWER MP69033 Car OBD2 Scanner Code Reader Engine Fault Code Reader Scanner CAN Diagnostic Scan Tool for All OBD II Protocol Cars Since 1996, Yellow
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365.00 - 315.00 - 0
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✅【Multi-Functions】- Practical Multi-Functions OBD2 code reader features built-in OBD2 DTC lookup library, which help you to determine the cause of the engine light, read code, erase code, view freeze frame, I/M ready, vehicle information, data flow, real-time curve, get vehicle speed information, calculate load value, engine coolant temperature, get engine speed.
✅【Wide Capability】- Supports 9 protocols compatible with most 1996 US-Based, 2000 EU-Based and Asian cars, and newer OBD II & CAN domestic or import vehicles. Supports 6 languages - English,German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian.
✅【LCD Display】- Designed with a clear display LCD screen (128 x 64 pixels) - white backlight and contrast adjustment. No need any battery or charger, OBD reader gets the power directly from your vehicle through the OBDII Data Link Connector.
✅【Compact Design】- Car diagnostic scanner is equipped with a 2.5 feet long cable and made of a very thick flexible insulator.There are 6 buttons on OBD2 Scanner:scroll up/down,enter/exit and buttons that quick query VIN vehicle number& the DTC fault code.
✅【ABS / Airbag codes NOT Supported】- It is able to read and clear check engine information which is part of OBDII system, but it cannot work with non-OBDII systems, including ABS / Airbag / Oil Service Light, etc.
✅【Screen Protecting Film】- There’s a transparent screen protecting film on the screen surface. If any scratches on the film, just tear off the screen protecting film. If any more problem on the screen, just contact our customer service for replacement directly.
✅【Connection Guide】- Plug the scanner into the OBDII port on your car, turn on the ignition and then press the OK button to make the connection. To view the live data, please start the engine. If connection failure, please contact motopower directly for assistance.
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